A SSJogos is a company specialized in technology, with 20 years of experience. Our goal is to develop software for the needs of the modern iGaming industry. Over the past 20 years we have had several projects that have succeeded each other and, therefore, we offer a variety of products to meet the needs of two players. Within esses is our popular Online Poker, offering an authentic and exciting experience for players of all ages. Indo Alemán, we have the BrasilBolao betting site, which offers a secure, functional and intuitive platform for betting on sports and other events. We still cite Bank Roulette, a revolutionary roulette game where the player has the option of feeling the adrenaline rush of being a banker. For those who want to enter the betting market, we offer the creation of personalized Betting sites. The objective of SSJogos is to offer you an exciting and safe gaming experience, through our flexible and powerful sports betting software, with customizable skins and optimized marketing and management services. We have everything that you need to start or betting.